Which potential do Generative Design and Large Language Models have in product development? How does Hybrid Intelligence support planning and decision-making processes? How can use cases for AI applications be systematically identified and what strategic and technological prerequisites are needed for the use of AI?
These questions have been occupying the manufacturing industry at least since the developments surrounding ChatGPT, DALL-E and Co. In order to remain competitive in a volatile environment, companies are faced more than ever with the challenge of having to develop faster with fewer resources. The use of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence in development processes is indispensable to meet these challenges.
Therefore, our consortium benchmarking "AI-driven Product Development" aims to identify success factors for the use of artificial intelligence in the development process. We, the Machine Tool Laboratory WZL of RWTH Aachen University and the Complexity Management Academy, in cooperation with an industry consortium, want to identify concepts, methods & approaches how to design a successful AI-driven product development.
Learn in direct exchange within the consortium and together with successful-practice companies about field-tested applications and proven approaches for the identification, integration and long-term management of AI applications in the development process. Use the benchmarking study "AI-driven Product Development" to check your own approach and get further impulses from successful approaches.
Wir, das Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL der RWTH Aachen und die Complexity Management Academy, haben durch den branchenübergreifenden Austausch und die Successful-Practice Besuche praxiserprobte Anwendungen und bewährte Ansätze für die Identifikation, Integration und langfristigen Steuerung von KI-Anwendungen im Entwicklungsprozess kennengelernt. Diese möchten wir mit Ihnen über folgende Kanäle teilen.
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Visits of the Successful-Practice-Companies
Knowledge transfer for your company
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